Month: February 2023
Pυppies Saved From Fire By Heroic Mother Dog’s Qυick Thinking
In a true testament to the power of a mother’s love, a mama dog saved her nine puppies from a raging fire by digging a hole to…
The poor girl lay alone in the desolate field, hundreds of thousands of ants almost devouring her
Phoenix is one of the 5 worst cases we’ve ever rescued . When we discovered phoenix, she was in a critical state. Phoenix wa lying alone in…
Neglected Dog Gets A Gift From Dog He Doesn’t Know — And It Saves His Life
As soon as a dog lover in Costa Rica discovered Leon, she rushed to give him food. It was the first meal the emaciated little dog had had in…
Dog Tries To Steal Baseball Bat From Player During Game
She was only trying to do her job 😂 Published on 8/29/2018 at 5:58 PM This sweet pup is named Miss Lou Lou Gehrig. She works as…
Dog Left Alone In Park Wouldn’t Let Anyone Help Her For Days
“Ever wonder what a dog dumped by her owners does? Sits and watches. Waiting for her family to come back.” The community in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, noticed a…
Delinquent Dog Gets ‘Pugshot’ After Being Picked Up By Police
“This is what happens when you run away from home.” Crime doesn’t pay, as the saying goes. But to be honest, in this case, the photo that…
This Dog Looks Like A Human — And It’s Making People Uncomfortable “This is deeply unsettling…” World, meet Yogi — an adorable pup whose appearance certainly has…
Abandoned puppy with the words: “Unlucky Puppy – Help Me!”
The dejected dog is curled up next to a rock, yet she has her gaze fixed on the far side of the road. when the owner has…
Dog Insists On Sleeping In The Most Dramatic Place Possible
“It always looks like he perished in a terrible accident.” This is Ruben. DAVID HARSANYI Ruben is a 5-year-old terrier who takes his nap time very seriously….
No One Wanted This Sweet Shelter Dog Just Because Of His Crooked Face
Mosley looks a little different — but his rescuers think that makes him look even more lovable. When the young dog first showed up at a rural…