The other morning, at around 3:30 a.m., Luciana Castello Branco was stirred from sleep at home in Brasilia, Brazil. It was around this time that her little dog, Pinga, began acting strangely.
“She jumped out of bed and went out on the balcony,” Branco told The Dodo.

Wondering what the big fuss was about, Branco stepped out onto the balcony as well. And that’s when it all made sense.
Gazing down, Branco spotted a parade of capybaras — the world’s largest species of rodent, native to the region — marching single-file along the street below: “There they were, all lined up,” Branco said. “I grabbed my cell phone right away and filmed it.”
Here’s that moment on video:
@lu.castellieMais uma da série CAPIVARINHAS na madruga#capivaras#capivaraslovers♬ Funny – Gold-Tiger
This wasn’t the first time Branco has seen a group of capybaras moseying down her street. She lives between a lake, where they spend most of their time, and a field, where they often like to graze.
Witnessing their adorable caravan, however, is still always a treat.

“I couldn’t sleep, but it’s always a pleasure to see them out and about,” Branco said. “I’m an animal lover, and I love seeing them walking around, basking in the late afternoon sun near the lake.”
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