Woman Finds Stray Dog Trapped In Wire Bed Frame – BuzzOverDose

Woman Finds Stray Dog Trapped In Wire Bed Frame

Woman finds stray dog trapped in wire bed frame, takes 4 months to fully recover.

Heartwarming stories are all around us. They are what inspire us, move us, and most importantly, make us feel alive. When we read stories about acts of kindness or good deeds, we are inspired to become a better version of ourselves and to show kindness to others to make the world a better place.

This is one of those heartbreaking but inspiring stories where good wins and a combination of compassion and empathy creates a miracle that saves another’s precious life.

“I thought it was a stuffed animal,” Turner told The Dodo. “He was completely frozen, motionless, and staring at me. I thought I’d better check, just in case, and when I got close to him, his ear twitched.”

“I was completely shocked that it was an animal,” Turner added, “let alone a live one.” The poor pup couldn’t move because his legs were stuck in a wire bed frame, he had no water or food, and he had a bad sunburn from sitting in the sun.

As she later found out, the tenant had found him wandering and decided to bring him into his yard. He called Animal Control to come get him, but two days later they didn’t show up and the poor animal was “too gross to touch,” so the tenant just left him. Turner carefully untangled him, put him in the car and took him to the nearest vet, as she wasn’t sure he could handle a 20-minute drive to the nearest animal shelter.

“He wasn’t afraid of me and didn’t make any noise,” Ms. Turner said. “He just watched what I was doing with a blank look in his eyes. I think he knew I was going to help him.”

When Turner arrived, the veterinary team made sure he was stable and examined him. An examination revealed that the puppy was malnourished, sunburned and dehydrated, and had a horrible case of mange. “The vet techs told me they were going to keep him there and pool their money to pay for his recovery,” Turner said. “That night, I started a GoFundMe for Caro.”

The day he arrived, he weighed 18 pounds, a 6-month-old German shepherd should weigh about 50. Over the next few weeks, a concerned Turner visited the dog every day and became attached to him.

“During the week Caro was at the vet, I visited and checked on him every day,” Turner says. “The techs were always so excited about the smallest things – ‘He looked up today,’ ‘He walked on the other side of his kennel today,’ ‘He got to eat solid food today.’ It was heartbreaking.”

Once Caro left the vet, she decided to adopt her, giving her 7-year-old dog, Casey, a good companion. The first few weeks were not easy, as Turner had to give Caro medicated baths to treat her mange and feed her small meals four times a day to help her gain weight.

Fortunately, the hard work paid off: Caro gained weight and her thick brown and black fur began to grow.

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Meet Jone Dark, the passionate blogger behind heartwarming tales of dogs and pets. Hailing from Ca, Jone's love for animals led them to create a captivating online space. Through vivid storytelling, Jone's blog explores the joy, challenges, and unique stories within the canine world. Beyond the virtual realm, Jone actively supports animal welfare and adoption initiatives. Join Jone Dark in celebrating the remarkable bond between humans and their furry companions on their blog, where every dog's story is a tale worth telling.

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