The rescue of a dog buried underground for 56 hours is a remarkable testament to perseverance and dedication. – BuzzOverDose

The rescue of a dog buried underground for 56 hours is a remarkable testament to perseverance and dedication.

The dog slipped down a rabbit hole and was stuck for more than two days before being rescued.

Flossie had fallen down a rabbit hole and been stuck for more than two days before being rescued.

In a stunning rescue video, a terrier that was stuck underground for 56 hours somehow survived the terrifying ordeal before being wrenched from the dirt.

According to a TikTok video recorded by her owner Poppy Vernon, Flossie the terrier went missing on April 25. It depicts someone excavating a deep hole as voices scream out for the dog. They suspected the 9-year-old puppy got stuck in a rabbit hole outside her Devon, England home.

The issue is that hundreds of rabbit tunnels encircle their property. For hours, they called down the holes, even using underground cameras. Their search continued all night, and even a team of tracking dogs couldn’t find Flossie after hours of searching.

Surprisingly, Poppy claims that approximately five hours later, a neighbor heard a “tiny bark” coming from behind a shrub. The search dogs returned and found Flossie this time.

Tom Leary, a green-shirted man in the video, leans down into the hole with both arms spread. Finally, as Leary chisels away at the hole’s wall, we glimpse Flossie’s little head deep within. After that, he is eventually able to free her from her underground captivity.

She’d lost weight but was generally undamaged despite being away for four days and spending so many hours in the dirt and muck. The video documenting her rescue has received over 3.6 million views.

“We’re just glad to have her by our sides again and, yeah, give her cuddles,” Vernon said to the BBC.

Vernon says in another TikTok that she believes Flossie found a hole, fell through it, and then dug her own trail underground, barring her way out.

“She just fully, you know, buried herself alive,” she explained.

With that in mind, Vernon said it’s “amazing” that they found her—and they’ll keep a closer eye on her when she walks outdoors from now on.



Meet Jone Dark, the passionate blogger behind heartwarming tales of dogs and pets. Hailing from Ca, Jone's love for animals led them to create a captivating online space. Through vivid storytelling, Jone's blog explores the joy, challenges, and unique stories within the canine world. Beyond the virtual realm, Jone actively supports animal welfare and adoption initiatives. Join Jone Dark in celebrating the remarkable bond between humans and their furry companions on their blog, where every dog's story is a tale worth telling.

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