Two little pit bull puppies are beating the odds, bouncing back to health after almost being strangled to death by an abusive owner.

Gwen and Gabriel’s young lives were almost cut short when their owner, James Jones, wrapped leashes around their necks and tried to strangle them right out on a Maryland street earlier this month. Jones, who was allegedly high on PCP, had to be tackled by officers while bystanders helped rescue the suffering pups.


Jones was arrested and charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty, while the puppies were rushed to the Metropolitan Emergency Animal Clinic in nearby Rockville, Maryland.

They were in rough shape when they arrived — Gabriel’s little lungs had filled with blood, and both puppies had been shaken and deprived of oxygen.

Amazingly, thanks to the hard work from the medical team at the animal clinic, both puppies recovered from their injuries. Only a few weeks after almost being killed, Gwen and Gabriel were happily bouncing around in the grass at the Montgomery County Animal Shelter … just like 10-week-old puppies should.


The puppies look just like happy dogs now — it’s hard to believe that things were touch-and-go for them so recently. Soon they’ll go to loving forever homes, and the fear and pain of their past will be far behind them.

“I don’t know why anybody would do something like this, especially to something so defenseless and young,” Montgomery County animal services officer Jennifer Gill, who helped rescue the pups, told WJLA. “It really makes me happy to see them doing so well and that they’re going to be going to new homes soon.”