BuzzOverDose – Page 369

Dog Creates A Huge Hole Under A Grave, But It’s Not For Any Deceased Owner

When visitors to a cemetery in Belgrade, Serbia, noticed a concerned German Shepherd loitering near a person’s grave for days on end, they were perplexed. The worried…

Huпdreds Of Uпwaпted Pets Have Beeп Dumped On ‘Dead Dog Beach’

A dog with a broken leg and pellet wound in his neck limps along a beach, helpless, wondering if he will ever be safe again. This poor…

Buried to Her Neck, Canine Howled With All Her Might Asking To Store Her And Her Dying Puppies Beneath The Floor

 The puppies were buried when loose soil slid, but their mother yelled for help at the top of her lungs. The week before last, while running on…

Adventurous Cat Has A Blast Leaping Through The Snow

Coyote the cat is discovering one of the fluffiest, most delightful aspects of winter – snow. And he’s finding that no matter how much you pounce or…

Shock by a Car While Eating Road Kill, Abused Dog Recovers and Waits for His Forever Home

It’s delicate for canine suckers to comprehend why anyone would want to harm an innocent pet for no reason. Some people are cruel, and there are no…

Courageous, Faithful Dog Saves Owner’s Life From Mountain Lion Attack

Dogs are such devoted and devoted companions. They have excellent intuition and will always aid when their owners are in trouble, even if it means putting themselves…

Dog Cries Out When She Realizes Her Family Is Gone … Again

Saying goodbye to someone you love is never easy, but it can be even harder for rescue dogs — for whom “goodbye” often means a ride to…

Abused Dog With Leg Cut Off Still Hαs The Biggest Heαrt

By the time Kayla was rescued, she’d cruelly had her leg cut off with a knife, and her eye poked out. But even though she came to…

Hero Yorkie Fends Off Attacking Coyote To Save Her 10-Year-Old Owner

That’s what one tiny but very brave proved in the week, after she defended her 10-year-old owner from a coyote, sustaining injuries in the process. Macy may…

Poor Mother Dog Unable To Stand Lying There Desperate Crying For Help Her Puppies!

This poor dog family was discovered by a kind person at a garbage dump. The mother dog was in dreadful condition. Even though she was unable to…