In a poignant display of gratitude and affection, the Middletown Police Department in Connecticut bid a heartfelt farewell to their dedicated K-9 officer, Hunter. After a decade of unwavering service alongside his partner Michael D’Aresta and fellow officers, Hunter faced a heartbreaking diagnosis of aggressive liver cancer, marking the end of his noble tenure.
Hunter’s commitment to ensuring the safety of the community touched the hearts of many during his years on the force. The devastating news of his illness prompted the difficult decision to euthanize him, as shared by Middletown K-9 supervisor Sgt. Doug Clark online. D’Aresta, deeply affected by the prognosis, had to make the painful choice to say goodbye to his loyal companion.
On Hunter’s final day, surrounded by fellow officers outside the veterinary office, D’Aresta cradled his canine partner in his arms. The emotional scene culminated in a final salute to honor Hunter’s years of dedicated service to the City of Middletown. Sgt. Doug Clark expressed the collective grief, stating, “Officer D’Aresta and Hunter have been an amazing team serving the City of Middletown in a high caliber since 2007. So as you might guess, this is really stressful for Mike and his family.”
Despite Middletown’s modest population, the touching manner in which the police department bid farewell to K-9 Hunter has resonated far beyond its borders. The legacy of this loyal and courageous officer has touched the hearts of people across the country and around the globe, ensuring that Hunter’s memory will endure as a testament to the profound bond between humans and canines.
Source Middletown Police Dept Connecticut