Heartbroken Dog Waits Outside Store, Pleading for Aid Behind Closed Glass Barrier – BuzzOverDose

Heartbroken Dog Waits Outside Store, Pleading for Aid Behind Closed Glass Barrier

Stray pups are constantly in search of food and a safe place where they could rest their head. They wish humans they meet every day would stop ignoring them and give them the helping hand they need very much.

Izzy was one of the stray dogs who badly needed human compassion and help after she gave birth to an adorable litter of puppies.

Believing that good humans would show her some kindness and love, she arrived at the front door of a Dollar Store in Jetersville, Virginia.

She quietly sat and gazed at the people through the glass door. With eyes filled with sadness, she was begging them to notice her.

Asking Good Humans For Help

dog sitting in front of stores door
Source: Barbara Dowdy Dowtin

The shoppers were heartbroken to see the sad Pittie peeking inside the store. Her body was covered in scratches. They could only imagine what hardships she had been through.

From the moment they looked at her beautiful eyes, they felt enchanted with her. They were determined to help her as soon as possible.

They cuddled her and fed her. They let her know that they were there for her and that she would not be ignored anymore.

They called the Animal Control office and asked them to help the Pittie, later named Izzy. As soon as the officers arrived and met the doggo, they realized that she was a nursing mama.

After a brief search around the store, they discovered Izzy’s adorable fur babies. They were vulnerable, hungry, and in need of a warm home. 

Izzy And Her Puppies Have A Roof Over Their Heads

photo of puppies
Source: Amelia Animal Shelter – Virginia

Their rescuers gently took them in their arms, placed them into a crate, and drove the mama dog and her precious babies to the Amelia Animal Shelter – Virginia.

The staff received them with outstretched arms. The next day, they took them to see a vet.

“Mom and the babies went to the vet today and got checked out, pedicures and some meds to get all of them right on track. Everyone is doing good and eating well,” the shelter shared on Facebook.

The mama dog and her adorable babies quickly stole the hearts of their caregivers. They enjoyed watching the fur babies gulp down the food they gave them.

Soaking Up All The Love The Staffers Give Them

man petting the dog
Source: Amelia Animal Shelter – Virginia

The shelter staff knew that Izzy needed to take occasional breaks from taking care of her pups. Izzy’s human friends wanted to reassure her that she was now safe and that her life and the life of her babies would change for the better.

The shelter staff played with her outside, giving her treats and showering her with love. The wonderful pup appreciated their help and affection, and her tail didn’t stop wagging.

Izzy’s heart was at ease, knowing that she and her puppies were in good hands. They will never be hungry and ignored ever again.

The sweet canine family continues to thrive at the shelter. They enjoy getting many snuggles from their shelter friends who adore them.

As soon as they become healthy enough, they will be put up for adoption. There is no doubt that they will make their future parents very happy.

Many thanks to the good humans who opened their hearts and helped the adorable canine family. We hope that Izzy and her sweet puppies will find a home filled with infinite love and care.

Meet Jone Dark, the passionate blogger behind heartwarming tales of dogs and pets. Hailing from Ca, Jone's love for animals led them to create a captivating online space. Through vivid storytelling, Jone's blog explores the joy, challenges, and unique stories within the canine world. Beyond the virtual realm, Jone actively supports animal welfare and adoption initiatives. Join Jone Dark in celebrating the remarkable bond between humans and their furry companions on their blog, where every dog's story is a tale worth telling.

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