Dog’s Birthday Stories – Page 272 – BuzzOverDose

Dog waits outside in the rain every day for owner — viral video leads to reunion

Dogs are such loyal animals. We’ve seen many stories of pets separated from their owners who can do nothing but wait for their return. Like one dog,…

Dog Refuses To Stop Barking Until Biker Follows Him To Abandoned Baby

What a hero! In late December, Junrell Fuentes Revilla was riding his motorcycle through the mountains near Cebu in the Philippines when a dog started running after…

She Is Very Sad Becaυse She Has no Strength Left to Protect The Newborn Pυppies

 The little mother is shivering buut never stops warming her baby. She is too tough. So cold ,so painul .But it’s still beautiful.And everything will be different….

He Wαs Sαd, Scαred After Long Dαys of Unhαppiness

 Isumu was a canine who had never known love. He had been left to fend for himself on the side of the road, close to a shelter….

Clever Dog Walks Herself To Doggy Day Care

“She just couldn’t wait for mom and dad to get up, so she came here herself.” Early Saturday morning, Marty Carriere was getting ready for a busy…

Puppy Left On A Bench With A Note Learns To Trust Again

“If you’re reading this and your heart wavers, please adopt him and take good care of him.” Chained to a bench, unable to move, a little puppy…

Rescue poor dog from being sold into the slaughterhouse

In Vietnam, many people eat dog meal. people keep dogs to protect raise them and sell thel to the saulghterhouse for money . On our way to…

Stray Dog Found Curled Up In Snow Keeping Orphaned Kittens Warm

What a hero ❤ Over the weekend, while driving on a freezing cold night in Ontario, Canada, a Good Samaritan spotted something that made her stop. There,…

Dog Left Oп Cυгb With All Heг Beloпgiпgs Wαits Pαtieпtlγ Foг Fαmilγ To Retυгп

“She was just so exhausted from waiting.” Nirvana never asked to live in an empty lot next to a car wash, but when her family left her…

Mama Dog Cradling Puppy On Street Is Overjoyed To See Her Rescuers

“It was like she immediately knew they were safe …” Jen and Roman McConn weren’t sure what they’d find when they arrived at the roadside location they’d…