Brave Dog Leaps into Water to Rescue Drowning Cat – BuzzOverDose

Brave Dog Leaps into Water to Rescue Drowning Cat

This Heroic Dog Jumped Into The Water To Save A Drowning Cat

Not so rarely are they referred to as “mortal enemies,” but the truth is – dogs and cats are not as big of rivals as you may think.

More and more of them are living together under the same roof, and according to Menchetti et al.1, over 60% of family doggos and their feline friends casually sleep next to each other and play together.

One of those adorable connections was caught on video, which shows a heartwarming reaction of a dog when his feline friend falls in the water. Finding the cat in trouble, this doggo does the most amazing thing ever!

He First Tries To Get Her Out From The Wall

dog approaches a drowning cat to help
Source: @Gabriele_Corno


The video shows a half-drowned cat in water fighting for her life, holding onto an object with everything she had at the moment. She was evidently terrified and in a state of shock, trying to figure out how to get out.

But then, a dog shows up on the wall of what happens to be a fish pond, offering his help and trying to get his feline friend out! 


First, he tries to get her out with his jaw, but as soon as he understands that that’s not possible – he jumps into the water, not caring about the potential danger!

Diving Into The Water, Not Caring How Dangerous It Might Be

dog jumps in the water to save a cat
Source: @Gabriele_Corno


The next thing you know – he’s in the water, paddling with his feline friend on his back, making a way out. He practically risked his own life to save a friend in need, breaking the myth about cats and dogs being sworn enemies.

In just a few short moments, he successfully reaches for the shore, and he and the cat successfully go out.


For a brief moment there, you can see that the cat was still in shock, trying to figure out what just happened. But, right in the next moment, she’s all good, jumping off the fishpond wall as if nothing happened!

A Successful Rescue

dog gets a drowning cat out of the water
Source: @Gabriele_Corno


This amazing rescue was recorded and it soon went viral on social media and melted the hearts of millions of people all over the world!

People were thrilled to see a selfless doggo sparing no effort to help the cat friend in need, although some of them wondered why the person recording the whole thing didn’t intervene to save either of the animals.

Be that as it may, this cat was finally on safe ground now, all thanks to a beautiful act of friendship of a dog that instinctively went for it! Was he a well-trained boi with highly developed social skills, or was it just his primal instinct – it doesn’t matter really!


All that matters is that both the dog and the cat are out of danger. And, I’m sure that they remained friends, too!


  1. Menchetti, L., Calipari, S., Mariti, C., Gazzano, A., Diverio, S. (2020). Cats and dogs: Best friends or deadly enemies? What the owners of cats and dogs living in the same household think about their relationship with people and other pets. PLoS. DOI

Meet Jone Dark, the passionate blogger behind heartwarming tales of dogs and pets. Hailing from Ca, Jone's love for animals led them to create a captivating online space. Through vivid storytelling, Jone's blog explores the joy, challenges, and unique stories within the canine world. Beyond the virtual realm, Jone actively supports animal welfare and adoption initiatives. Join Jone Dark in celebrating the remarkable bond between humans and their furry companions on their blog, where every dog's story is a tale worth telling.

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