A heartwarming rescue story unfolded in Neptune Township, New Jersey, this past Christmas. Rescuers from the Monmouth County SPCA discovered a heartbreaking scene – a 10-year-old Rottweiler named Coco, abandoned outside a house in frigid temperatures.
Chilling Ordeal:
Coco was found tethered to a short chain on a concrete pad, with no food, water, or shelter from the harsh elements. According to the SPCA’s Facebook post, the dog’s ordeal lasted for three long nights with freezing temperatures, leaving her confused and alone.
Neglectful Owners:
The investigation revealed that Coco’s former owners abandoned her when the pipes in their home froze. This act of cruelty left Coco exposed and vulnerable. The SPCA is pressing charges against the former owners for animal cruelty, including cruel restraint and failure to provide necessary care.
A Beacon of Hope:
Fortunately, the dedicated team at the Monmouth County SPCA stepped in as heroes. They rescued Coco and brought her to the shelter, where she received much-needed food, water, and a warm place to rest. Veterinary examinations revealed that Coco might have kidney stones and a genetic eye condition, likely due to irresponsible breeding practices.
Road to Recovery and Forever Home:
Despite the neglect, the SPCA describes Coco as a gentle, loyal, and loving dog. Currently, she’s recovering at the shelter, and while not yet available for adoption, the SPCA encourages those interested to keep an eye on their social media and website for updates. Coco deserves a loving forever home, and hopefully, this story will inspire someone to open their hearts and provide her with the care she deserves.
Source Via Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel