May 2024 – Page 9 – BuzzOverDose

Rescuers Stunned to Discover Abandoned Dog in Kennel by the Road

Trust is a very important virtue that humans place a lot of meaning in. It’s what defines our relationships and makes them last long. However, some people…

Grandma, Heartbroken After Dog’s Passing, Receives Special Surprise ‘Gift’ from Family

A New Hill, North Carolina, family was worried constantly for their granny that lost her dog of 15 years. The old woman had a strong bond with…

Left to Despair: Abandoned and Helpless, Days Spent Begging for Aid, Only to Face Cold Hearts.

Oпce juѕt aп uппoticed figuгe beѕide a buѕtliпg гoadway, a ѕmall puppy lay motioпleѕѕ, itѕ plight uпѕeeп by huпdгedѕ of paѕѕeгѕby. Thiѕ waѕ uпtil The Aпgel Pгoject,…

A UPS driver creates touching connections with dogs along his delivery route, warming hearts along the way.

Scott Hodges has loved pit bulls for as long as he can remember. He used to have his own pittie, Sheba, but she died in 2004 after…

Severely Burned Pitbull Defies the Odds and Embraces a Joyful Life

  Like most dogs, there’s much more than meets the eye for Justice the Pit Bull. Even though he doesn’t look like your typical dog, he is…

Dog Slated for Euthanasia Because She Didn’t Meet Owner’s Expectations as a Guard Dog

When you believe everything is lost, your luck may still somehow change. Not every dog is as blessed as Ginger was. She was down, written off, and…

After 8 Years Apart, Little Chihuahua Joyfully Reunites with Her Family

From Latina, Italy, comes a heartwarming story that will surely leave you teary-eyed. Losing a dog might be one of the most heart-wrenching moments for a dog…

Undernourished Dog, Eating Rocks and Twigs, in Desperate Need of Food, Finally Finds a New Family

Most stray dogs I’ve seen struggle so much to survive. They would sometimes go days without any proper food, and the little they do get is usually…

Owner in Distress Discovers Dog Trapped in Foxhole for 50 Hours

It’s hard to completely understand the amount of fear and anxiety an owner feels after having a pet go missing unless you have owned one of your…

Rescued Dog Sweetly Holds Hands Through Kennel Bars, Showering People with Affection

Eden is one of the sweetest pups that you will ever meet, but her life was anything but sweet. She suffered a lot. If she could talk,…